Matching your sales-channel strategy with your logistics capabilities

Omni-channel logistics

Running a local webshop is challenging enough. Cross-border e-commerce and omni-channel retail is even more complex. Topics like local tax, inventory allocation, marketplace strategy, fulfilment, carrier strategy, returns and local laws and regulations can slow down a successful roll out of your online success to other channels or other countries.

Important questions to answer:

  1. How much of the cross-border logistics do we want to outsource and how much do we want to execute ourselves?
  2. Should we consider local inventory to improve fulfilment lead time?
  3. Can we guarantee service levels when we start drop-shipping specific product categories?
  4. Can our systems handle the complex order fulfilment methods we intend to implement?


We follow a proven approach to match the sales-channel strategy with the most effective logistics network and systems infrastructure.