
Out at Home has been growing rapidly in the Benelux since we started in 2013. After having moved to our 3rd Warehouse and 5th carrier in 10 years time, we realized that Logistics is not our core business and took too much of our time. We approached Supplime to build a robust Carrier network in the Benelux and operate the daily orderflow to our customers. I am pleasantly surprised with the methodical approach and hands on solutions these guys apply. On-time delivery has improved to 98% and the number of customer complaints has dropped to below 3%.
Now that our Benelux Fulfillment operation is stable, Supplime is supporting us wit our expansion plans in the rest of Europe: they will hook us up to a new fulfilment partner in different regions and they’re setting up the BtC distribution for us. And the good thing is: we don’t even need to interface to the new fulfilment partner, since all our transactions run through the existing Marketplace- and Magento interface to Suplime’s operating system.

Bart de Jong – General Manager

Out at Home - outdoor leasure equipment, BE

Out at Home

Joris Beets design

We presented the E-harp in 2021 and received a lot of press right from the start”, says founder and CEO Joris Beets. “Our goal is to make the E-harp accessible to everybody, so we started looking for a fulfilment party that could assemble the E-harp for us and offer the fulfilment to the launching markets in Europe. We came across the team of Supplime and they started to challenge us on our assumptions, suggesting to assemble the E-harp by a company for workers with disabilities, and the fulfilment by a fulfilment expert. With this refreshing approach we can really contribute to our Corporate Social Responsibility goals that is at the core of our philosophy.
After the assembly and first fulfilment party are set up, Supplime will also support us in our European and Global expansion, wherever this may be.

Joris Beets – Founder & CEO

Joris Beets Design, UK

Frends is the Woman’s Designer headphone of choice. The company has marketed the headphones cleverly not as a geeky tech-toy for young adult men, but as a stylish quality fashion accessory for women. The product comes with exchangeable earcaps with new styles and models every season.

"Sales really took off when celebrities and influencers started using our product, underlining the fashion statement that the product really is” explains Jan Hein Habes, CEO of Frends. “We have followed a multi-channel approach from the get-go, offering our headphones both online in our web shop, as well as on Marketplaces like Amazon & Zalando and in the high-street shops of major Retailers across the European continent. Supplime has helped us to leverage central stock across these channels and has supported us heavily during the capacity crunch in Airfreight and Oceanfreight when we were fighting to get our product in on time for the holiday season.” Habes continues: “Now that our product-range is at full strength, we are able to expand our presence into other European markets, offering quicker delivery to our customers and a robust fulfilment network across the continent. Supplime finds us the best fulfilment partners and carriers, hooks them up to the Supplime platform and takes care of daily follow up of orders and returns. These guys have become true friends."

Jan Hein Habes – CEO

Frends Headphones, NL

Frends headphones

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Are you ready to conquer Europe with your e-commerce offering? And do you want to make good profit without complete dependency on horizontal marketplaces?

Here are 6 key take-aways to consider for your logistics:

  • 1 Transportation cost vs. Inventory cost – finding the sweet spot
  • 2 The secret of optimizing order fill rates
  • 3 Smarter choices in Carrier Management
  • 4 Building a flexible and profitable fulfilment network
  • 5 The pros and cons of stockpiling
  • 6 Forecasting, is that still needed?

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