We select the partners that match your DNA

Logistics Procurement

The playing field of Logistics Service Providers has changed significantly over the last 10 years:

  1. Consolidation has resulted in a reduced number of large LSP’s that are dominating the market. Where the top 10 logistics companies used to represent a marketshare of less then 5%, the top 10 now represents 30-40% of the market. The new LSP landscape also shifts the balance of power towards the logistics companies who have become more critical towards (potential) customers on the profitability and strategic fit of new contracts.;
  2. New disruptors have emerged, supported by a new generation of software applications, automation and agility that can support companies to deal with constantly changing customer requirements. Not all new players however are mature and financially stable enough to be trusted with your products or customers.

We support companies to navigate the world of big-box LSP’s and upcoming disruptors in the logistics arena by selecting the right partner that match your ambitions and company profile.